Query parameters are encoded in a URL following a ?
, e.g. /dashboard?tab=sales&page=1
Query parameters may be referred to by different names, e.g. search, search params, query params, etc.
Query parameters are used to make the URL reflect the state of the page. When the page updates in response to user interaction, the URL can be made to change to reflect those changes. Loading a URL with specific query parameters will also load the page in the state indicated by the parameters.
For example, if you have a dashboard page with a tab component, you can use the query to encode the active tab.
In this routing library, we will refer to query
as a dictionary of query parameters.
And a query string
will be the URL-encoded version of the query
Let's say you have a dashboard page with a tab component. The tab component has 2 tabs, income and expenses.
from ._anvil_designer import DashboardTemplate
from routing.router import navigate, RoutingContext
class Dashboard(DashboardTemplate):
def __init__(self, routing_context: RoutingContext, **properties):
self.routing_context = routing_context
routing_context.add_event_handler("query_changed", self.on_query_change)
routing_context.raise_init_events() # raises the query_changed event
def on_query_change(self, **event_args):
query = self.routing_context.query
self.tab_1.value = query.get("tab", "income")
def tab_changed(self, **event_args):
tab_value = self.tab_1.value
navigate(query={"tab": tab_value})
Note that in the tab_changed
event handler, we are navigating to the same path, and so, we don't need to include the path
in the navigate
If we want to be explicit, we can use path="./"
or path="/dashboard"
By default, if the query parameters change, a new instance of the form will be loaded (even if cache_form
is set to True
). See cache_deps
below for more details.
When the query parameters change, we can listen for the query_changed
event and update our page state accordingly.
Parsing Query Parameters¶
Since query parameters are encoded in the URL, we may need to decode them. It's also generally a good idea to ignore unknown query parameters and provide sensible defaults if any are missing or incorrect. This provides a better user experience.
from routing.router import Route
class DashboardRoute(Route):
path = "/dashboard"
form = "Pages.Dashboard"
def parse_query(self, query):
valid_tabs = ["income", "expenses"]
tab = query.get("tab", "income")
if tab not in valid_tabs:
tab = "income"
return {"tab": tab}
Using a query validator¶
You can use a validator library. And if the validator has a parse
method, it can be used as the parse_query
from anvil_extras import zod as z
class DashboardRoute(Route):
path = "/dashboard"
form = "Pages.Dashboard"
parse_query = z.typed_dict({
"tab": z.enum(["income", "expenses"]).catch("income")
Query encoding¶
The routing library can encode any JSON-able object as a query parameter.
Where a query parameter is a str
, int
, float
, bool
or None
, this will be flat.
e.g. ?foo=bar&baz=1&eggs=true
will be decoded as {"foo": "bar", "baz": 1, "eggs": True}
If you have numbers in your query parameters, but these should actually be strings, you can convert these to str
in your parse_query
For nested, JSON-able objects, i.e. lists
and dicts
, the routing library will encode the object as a JSON string in the query string.
e.g. foo=%5B1%2C+%22a%22%2C+true%5D'
will be decoded as {"foo": [1, "a", true]}
Loading a new instance of a form¶
By default, the routing library will load a new instance of a form when the query parameters change.
If you do NOT wish to load a new instance of a form when certain query parameters change, you can override the cache_deps
This method should return a dict
of dependencies, which determine when a form and its data should be loaded from cache
. The return value from cache_deps
should be JSON-able.
from routing.router import Route
class DashboardRoute(Route):
path = "/dashboard"
form = "DashboardForm"
cache_form = True
def cache_deps(self, **loader_args):
# this form is cached uniquely by the `path` only - there are no `query` dependencies
# i.e. if the `tab` changes, we keep the same instance of the form
return None
For more details on cache_deps
, see the data loading section.