API Reference

The routing library provides the following functions, classes, and attributes. All attributes can be accessed from the routing.router module.


navigate(*, path=None, params=None, query=None, hash=None, replace=False, nav_context=None, form_properties=None)
navigate(path, **kws)
navigate(url, **kws)
navigate(routing_context, **kws)
Navigates to a new page.
Launches the routing library and navigates to the first route. Call this in your startup module.
Navigates to the nth page in the history stack.
Navigates back in the history stack.
Navigates forward in the history stack.
Reloads the current page. If hard is True, the page will be reloaded from the server. If hard is False, the page will be removed from the cache and reloaded on the client.
add_event_handler(event_name, handler)
Adds an event handler for the given event name. The event handler should take a **event_args argument. The event_name can be one of the following:
  • "navigate": raised when the url changes.
  • "pending": raised when the navigation starts.
  • "idle": raised when the navigation is complete.
remove_event_handler(event_name, handler)
Removes an event handler for the given event name.
Returns the current routing context.
get_url(*, path=None, params=None, query=None, hash=None, full=False)
get_url(path, **kws)
get_url(routing_context, **kws)
Gets the URL. If no keyword arguments are passed, the current URL will be returned. If full is True, the full URL will be returned (e.g., http://my-app.anvil.app/articles/123?foo=bar#hash). If full is False, the URL will be relative to the base URL (e.g., /articles/123?foo=bar#hash).
Enables or disables debug logging.
Clears the cache of forms and data.
invalidate(*, path=None, deps=None, exact=False)
Invalidates any cached data and forms based on the path and deps. The exact argument determines whether to invalidate based on an exact match or a partial match.
open_form(form, **form_properties)
When migrating, you may be able to replace anvil.open_form with router.open_form. This will only work if you are not using params.
alert(content, *args, dismissible=True, **kwargs)
Shows an alert. If dismissible is True, the alert will be dismissed when the user navigates to a new page. To override Anvil's default alert, you can set the anvil.alert = router.alert.
confirm(content, *args, dismissible=True, **kwargs)
Shows a confirmation dialog. If dismissible is True, the dialog will be dismissed when the user navigates to a new page. To override Anvil's default alert, you can set the anvil.alert = router.alert.


The base class for all routes.
Provides information about the current route and navigation context. Passed to all forms instantiated by the routing library.


A link that you will likely use in your main layout's sidebar. Has an active property that is set when the NavLink's navigation properties match the current routing context.
A link that you can use inline or as a container for other components.

Context Managers

A context manager that will prevent the user from navigating away during the context.


Raise during a route's before_load method to redirect to a different route.
Raised when a route is not found for a given path.